The second winter trip of 2025 was to the Alex MacIntyre Memorial Hut in Ballachulish. The weekend trip was fully booked with all sixteen places taken and reserves waiting in the wings. A few extra members joined the trip making their own arrangements for accommodation. The season had presented us with mixed fortunes so far as winter weather was concerned. However, over this weekend it remained cold and largely clear with light winds providing us with a springboard for a whole range of energetic activity.
Dave C with Matthew D headed north on Thursday and after overnight road closures had thwarted their initial plans, met with Steve G with Bev at a Achallader the following morning. Dave, Matthew and Steve did a circuit of Beinn an Dothaidh and Beinn Achallader before continuing north to Ballachulish. Steve and Bev settled in their van somewhere in Glencoe.
The rest of the group made the journey on Friday, setting off at various times and luckily for some arriving in time to have an impromptu, alfresco happy hour at the Loch Leven Hotel. Everyone settled into the hut, prepared for the following morning and familiarised themselves with the cooking facilities. Sometimes with only limited success. Giles C sneaked in at about midnight when everyone was in bed.

Ed H, Derek W and Martin P had their sights set on the Aonach Eagach Ridge. The logistics of the route were made easier because there were two cars available. An early start, fantastic weather and the added bonus of great ground conditions provided the perfect scenario for the three who made fast progress, arriving back in the hut at about 4pm.
An earlier start to Saturday was made by Dave M and Gav H and they headed north past Fort William to the North Face car park for Ben Nevis. Their aim for the day was Castle Ridge (** III). The rock was mostly dry but with frozen snow and ice, especially higher up.

Lee G and Gav H also headed for Ben Nevis. Parking at the North Face car park and making a hasty pace for the walk-in to Number Three Gully Buttress (*** III 4) proved to be warm work. The condition of the route was good and the ice, being in shade and at high altitude was in good shape although generally lean.
Charley S and Elise P made use of public transport to get to their start point for Saturday. Schoolhouse Ridge followed by Sgorr Dhearg and Sgorr Dhonuill. A big day out, hoping to make use of their new skills acquired at Glenmore Lodge only a week or so before.

The main thrust of the day was a return visit to the Ring of Steall. The weather and the tally of Munros to be taken made this route into a very attractive proposition. Neil D, Tracey H, Max P, Phil H, Paul M, Dave C and Matthew D travelled together to the Upper Glen Nevis car park. Giles C was unfortunately abandoned at the hut but caught up later.

The route was travelled in a clockwise direction with the wire bridge river cossing to start the day and steep ascent after passing the An Steall Waterfall. The second water crossing tempted Tracey to take an early bath. At the end of the circuit and after such altitude gain the steep, relentless descent to finish took a toll on everyone's knees.

The whole group did incredibly well. This was a big route to start the year so credit to all for finishing together, including Giles and without the need for a headtorch to be turned on.
Saturday had been a big day for everyone. Dinner at the hut was scheduled for around 8pm and amazingly, everyone was there on time. Steve G and Bev joined us and thankfully helped to demolish the temporary Munro known as 'Basmati Rice Mountain'. There were other minor summits of chilli con carne, apple crumble with custard, cake, chocolate, more cake and crisps. Thankfully all demolished. More of the same weather was expected in the morning and the party atmosphere peaked at almost reaching a zombie state of middle-ground before tired and broken people faded to rest for another full-on day.

Sunday was a very early start for some. Giles wanted to be on top of the Buachaille for a sunrise photoshoot. The weather, however, unexpectedly clouded over in the night so after reaching half-way in drizzle he changed his plan, descended and headed for home.
Charley, Elise and Ed went up the iconic Sgorr na Ciche (Pap Of Glencoe to its friends).
Another early start was made by Neil with Phil, Martin and Max. Two more Munros were on the cards and Stob Dubh and Stob Coire Raineach were easy prey before the drive home.
Dave M and Gav H had another scramble in mind for Sunday. The Sron na Lairig (***II) was a fairly quick walk in along the Lairig Eilde from Glencoe so offered a good opportunity for a short day. The snow which we had seen on Friday was mostly gone but the turf was frozen higher up the ridge. It was a pleasant scramble but would have been much better with a good covering of snow. Derek had a leisurely walk around the top end of Glencoe and met afterwards with Gav and Dave M for the drive home.
Lee and Gav M had opted for a low altitude, multi-pitch rock climbing route in Glen Nevis at Polldubh Crags. The Gutter, a 3* Diff route gave Gav a chance to hone his leading and rope management skills without having to walk for more than fifteen minutes to get to the crag.
Dave C and Matthew's bid for adventure continued on Sunday with the second visit of the weekend to Schoolhouse Ridge and the two Munros Sgorr Dearg and Sgorr Dhonuill. Their trip to Scotland continued for another day or two, making the most of the fine weather and Dave's van.

Before leaving the hut everyone had put in a good shift to make sure that it was clean and cleared of all our gear. Elise was at the front of the queue for the marigolds and Tracey and Paul, both taking it easy after Saturday helped to square things away when most people were already on the hills. Thanks to all for taking care to look after the place over the weekend.

The weather played a significant part in helping to make the trip such a success. Everyone was easily talked into aiming high for big ticket, classic routes and all goals were comfortably achieved though not without tremendous enthusiasm and effort. I estimate the number of Munros 'bagged' over the weekend was sixty. It was great to see some end of season winter climbing and the climbing routes on the Ben are always demanding, the task made no easier when conditions are lean. No wonder it was quiet in the hut on Saturday night. Well done to all and thanks for being there!
Dave M