Hi all
Last call for the Parthian lock-in this weekend: please let me know and send the cash to the club account before the end of the day so I can confirm final numbers with Sam and pay the invoice. Cheers!
On the topic of food… I can’t really find any decent options around Parthian for a meal on Sunday… Sam at Parthian said he’s OK with people getting pizza delivered in so it might just be worth sorting that on the night amongst the pizza fiends.
Parthian did mention having our own playlist so feel free to add tracks if you have Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1AasbOc1oSMUM7zOMB1a7G?si=Z2eW8UnVSSq-_pFqOfYlhg&pt=3183baf1a3b6f87f50d4c1b4c3fa2ac0 or let me know if you want to add something. Ta!