There are various videos etc on-line and usually a series of BMC Winter Skills lectures to take in.
As a quick checklist, to have a reasonable expectation of safety on Scottish mountains in winter a PARTY should possess:-
Ability to navigate with map & compass in bad conditions and low visibility when paths and other landmarks may be snowed under.
Knowledge of sources for weather info and snowfall patterns, erosion and deposition factors, and ability to interpret these into likely snow conditions and avalanche risk.
Ability in the field to recognise cornice dangers and avalanche-prone slopes.
Correct personal equipment for all party members.
Practice in self-arrest using the axe, and in use of crampons.
These things are learned over a period of time. So it’s best to make sure that you are always out with someone who is competent in these areas until you have got a good grip on them yourself.
An issue for novices is to get self arrest training; because others often have their own personal objectives (like a mountain or a climb)