The Paps of Jura

Jura May Bank Holiday 2010 I signed up for this trip in November when Andy first posted on the forum. Having pretty much just joined the club I was super excited about a weekend of biking and hiking in Scotland. My excitement somewhat faded when Tenk suggested wild camping. Its… Continue reading

“HORE ZDAR!!” (a Christmas cracker)

    Would you book a winter mountaineering course twelve days before Christmas ? Nah !  Shortest days, weather probably naff,  often no snow anyway. And so it was, that on one of the finest winter days in recent years, and after a cool minus 6 or so at the… Continue reading

Ullapool and Torridon

Dear Diary 1st August Time for a holiday but where to go decisions, decisions, shall I go and lie on a beach somewhere, Via Ferrata in the Dolomites or play in Scotland. No contest Scotland here I come and accommodation duly booked at Ullapool and Torridon Youth Hostels. Friday 28th… Continue reading