Just a little heads-up, that Thursday this week, 5th August, will be the first Thursday in the Month.
At the beginning of 2020, we embarked on the idea of going to a pub nearby the crag or wall, after climbing, except that every First Thursday we would go back to the Knavesmire. Unfortunately, came the pandemic, and we got no further than finding the Cricketers’ Arms at Harrogate…… where 8 or so of us had a pleasant visit last week. So to pick up on the conversation last Thursday, here’s the suggestion that 5th August should see us in the Knavesmire.
Pubs near crags are good for participants (who may not live in York). But it will also help to keep a balance if a monthly drink in York can be accessible to non-climbers, prospective new members, and anyone just not out for other reasons. Steve Green and I made a reconnaissance last night, and the Knavesmire is still there, open till 11pm (according to its website). So perhaps the time has now come to return to our January 2020 position, and hope that a good number of Members, climbing or not, will enjoy a natter, putting faces to names, and finding common interests, from 10pm.