Tuesday’s session at the Red Goat starts at about 5pm. I’ll be there this week. Easy session but reckon I’ll manage a pizza afterwards.
Thursday’s club climbing will be at Harrogate wall. I’ll be there early for another gentle session of climbing. Aiming to arrive at about 5. Pub afterwards will be decided on the night.
The weekend forecast is looking reasonable. There may be an opportunity for climbing outside.
In a month or so we’ll be hoping the weather is good enough for outdoor, Thursday evening climbing. This weekend at 2am Sunday morning the clocks change to British Summer Time. Don’t forget it’s Mother’s Day on Sunday too!
We have a club curry night in the diary on Friday the 11th of April. Nathan is organising it so please let him know via the forum asap if you’d like to join us there. The venue will need to know numbers.
Upcoming trips may still have spaces available so don’t be shy, please put your name down or contact the organiser if you’re interested.
Dave M