This week – 1st to 7th of July

Home Forums Forum This week – 1st to 7th of July

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  • #18695
    Dave M

    The weather pattern is settling back into summer routine. Gotta get the crystal ball out again….and the waterproofs!

    Tuesday is Red Goat. I’ll be there at 5 and pizza after.

    Wednesday is Freeklime. If you’re going please let us know.

    Thursday will be Harrogate Wall and I aim to be there by 4. If the weather is good enough the venue could be changed to Almscliff. Pub night at the Fox will be from 8pm. I’ll be there and hope to have the back room reserved for us.

    Friday is the big push to Borrowdale with 25 of us heading over to Cumbria for the weekend trip. Fingers crossed for the weather! There are still two remaining bed spaces so please get in touch if you’ve had enough of politics or football and want to come along. It promises to be very sociable.


    Dave M

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