This week – 19th to the 25th of August

Home Forums Forum This week – 19th to the 25th of August

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  • #18973
    Dave M

    Tuesday will be the usual Red Goat session. I’ll be there from 5pm, probably not having a pizza this time but will stop for a cold beer after climbing. I’ll also have the climbing gear that people asked for last week.

    Thursday evening club climbing will be indoors due to the ‘autumnal’ weather forecast. Should conditions be suitable the venue will switch from Harrogate Wall to Almscliff. Updates will be posted here and on WhatsApp. I’ll be at Harrogate Wall by 5.

    Nothing so far is planned for the weekend. The weather is difficult to predict but may be good enough to get out again.

    Various diary dates have recently been added on the ‘events and notices’ page as well as a note about risk and insurance. Probably worth taking a look and checking the page every now and then.

    Finally, a note on WhatsApp housekeeping. It’s a great tool and well used by everyone. However, it’s not a self-maintaining site so by all means add groups for events but please delete the group when you’ve finished with all of your messages. Thanks.


    Dave M

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