Climbing Thursday 6th July

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    Yeah if it’s poor this afternoon the default will be Almscliff / Harrogate Wall.
    I’ll be watching Paultheweatherman on lunchtime Look North !!


    Aw well, Almscliff rules.
    It’s warm and sunny in my garden at the moment …BUT the weather folk say there’s a 50% chance of thundery downpours this evening. So rather than incur the wrath of a carload of climbers halfway up the A19, we’re gonna try the Cliff and make sure we have a coat.
    H.W. if the downpour strikes


    Dear Everyone!
    I know I have spoken to some of you direct and I’m aware a lot of you are either away of busy but for those of you that I haven’t seen I want to let you know about my daughters 21st next Tuesday 11th July, 8.30pm at Bobo Lobos – if any of you are free for an hour or two would be lovely to see you there and help us celebrate, all welcome and the more the merrier.
    PS there will be lots of 20 something’s there so could be entertaining ๐Ÿ™‚
    Pen x


    Sorry we will be in Edinburgh. Hope it goes well


    will be in Cornwall , Penny but congratulations to Nataleia

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