Climbing Thursday 4th August

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    okey dokey well in that case I’m happy to go to almscliff. It is likely to be very windy there though ….15mph in harrogate so add a hefty few mph for almscliff. brimham would be more sheltered, and I cant at this point see anybody forecasting showers after midday …what sort of time are people heading out from york?


    Hi Peri,
    Angela’s just rung me and we think we’ll set out for Almscliff at 4.15 from my house off Stockton Lane. On the basis that it has been raining at Ilkley and if necessary might end up at the wall. So should be at t’Cliff for 5.15 or so. Do you want to get a lift ?


    thanks for the offer Andrew, afraid the earliest I can be out of work is at 4, then I have to get home and pick up my stuff, so wont be leaving my house till 4.30. so probs best if I see you at the crag. could offer to pick you guys up instead as I live off melrosegate, but might be a bit of a squeeze with both of you in the front of the van


    OK we’ll see you there !!


    my turn to get you a pint when we’ve done ๐Ÿ™‚
    might be a tad late too, as I have to pick up an item of clothing I left at HCC last week (I’m notorious for leaving stuff at walls and crags)

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