A few quick messages. Firstly a big welcome to quite a few new members who I haven’t met yet, Dave, Sam, Ed. Possibly others. If you are paid up then please chase Nathan who will arrange to add you to our WhatsApp group – a faster and paid members only method of Communicating. I look forward to meeting you soon at the wall or out and about.
Secondly a polite reminder to existing members to renew your membership, presuming that you want to ! I hope so.
I have just uploaded the January Committee minutes – please see the membership section. You will see the plans for the Winter trip and a trip to Wales in the Spring being planned and outlined. There are also outline plans afoot for a trip to the Peak, possibly the Roaches, in early Summer. We also have two cracking local walks organised.
It is a shame that the First Aid course had to be called off, hopefully delayed not ceased. Thank you to Andrew for your efforts.
If you can’t make the Goat on a Tuesday or Wall on a Thursday then the monthly first Thursday evening Knavesmire pub gathering continues and hopefully we will see you there at the next one on 3 Feb.
I have a few things to add about the Winter Weekend but will put it on that thread.
Cheers JJ
This topic was modified 2 years, 12 months ago by John.