As seems to be the recent theme for York MC events, it was a rainy night in Harrogate for the inaugural Parthian Lock In.
Sam and the team at Parthian kindly offered an after-hours climbing session solely for club members, along with some added skills sessions *and* the opportunity to control the playlist!
It was a great turn out from the club, with just over ⅓ (!) of the membership turning up for an evening of climbing (and some obligatory pizza). It was great to see new and old faces alike, with a few club members getting their first taste of roped climbing, having cut their teeth bouldering at the Goat.

Sam and Alfie from Parthian lead some skills sessions on technique and footwork (getting coloured chalk everywhere!) and on lead belaying skills.

All in all it was a great night, with a good buzz (and the world’s most varied Spotify playlist… Mötley Crüe followed by Taylor Swift anyone?).

Huge thanks to everyone for coming and especially to Sam and the team at Parthian for helping make it happen, and Alfie from Parthian ( for the pictures of the evening!

Thanks Carwyn for organising, and thanks Dan (and Brian) for helping me practice belaying – I went back yesterday with a friend and passed the competency test for roped climbing and spent two happy hours climbing and belaying so I’m really grateful for your help getting to a level where I can more easily make progress.