Here are just 5 pictures from a trip made by Paul Walkington, Michael and myself across An Teallach on a glorious day at the end of May.  The "standard route" - clockwise from Dundonnell is not a huge distance round (about 15km) but it is a 1300 metre day.

DSCN0016The highlight of course is the crinkly bit:- a cockscomb of rock about 500 metres long leading to Sgurr Fiona.  Once you get onto the crest...... very stiff directly up the end, but fairly easy to walk round the south side a wee bit and then clamber up.....  the scrambling is pretty simple. The rock crest is broader than many, although not the place to be in a high wind.

We had the benefit of idyllic conditions, and so had plenty of time to peer down from Lord Berkley's seat to Loch Toll an Lochain, which is over 500 metres below......... quite a lot of those metres being vertical ones. !

And so to Ullapool for tea.




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