Dear all,
Well! It was six punters that arrived
sharpish at 7am, last Sunday morning .............. and then
Ange arrived! We meet at the chairman's mansion on Rawcliffe Lane!
Howard and myself took the driving
duty for our day trip to the lovely Buttermere. |
We got underway properly at just gone
10am. Deb set a furious pace at the start, we were impressed and
wondered if this was sustainable! Err.... wait and see!!
After a short debate the chairman's
favourite route up Sour Milk Gill (nicknamed the hart attack
route) was ditched in favour of the softer Scales Beck route.......light weights!! |
The forecast was
for mixed weather and
I'd say that's about what we got! The odd shower and again and again
and again, then we were in cloud! All was not lost, we did manage some
sunny spells, enough for Elton to get his million pound shades out, and
do some eagle spotting!
We kept our views until about 50m
before the summit of Red Pike, then that was it the for the ridge! We
blame 'Joanna' Goodall who confessed to having never had a view from a
We lunched in high style at the Eccles
bothy on High Stile! Very cosy until Elton farted!
So that just left the penguin joke for
desert! So bad it can't be repeated...... anyway blame Gibson
not me, its his joke!!
We continued in the cloud with no
fear! We had Elton 'GPS man' to guide us! With his super
little gadget he had picked up earlier! Hay mate, wait until I
tell you girlfriend how much you spent!!
By the time we
got to Seat, Debs had
managed to break her jinks on views from summits! You-ho! The weather
continued to look up from then!
At Scarth Gap Pass we nearly found
some workers! NO! ...............Ange! maybe but Andy and
Howard.........never!(see 'your kidding' photo)
Well it might have been the shock of
it or may be just the brightening weather but we decided to
push on and bag Hay Stacks.
On the way down Elton managed to take
a tumble, must have been playing with his GPS! Well he was definitely
playing with something! He ended up in a stick over leg lock, unable to
move! Did we go to his rescue! Na, we just fell about laughing!!
We headed down to Warnscale Bottom
where we all sat on our bottoms and waited for 'no-knees' Goodall to
catch up! Finally we headed round the SW side of Buttermere and back to
the cars for 5pm.
Another top day, thanks
guys! Look forward to doing it all again.